STOKESLEY 30 mile CHARITY RIDE Sunday 11th May, 2025
The Stokesley Charity Cycle Ride is a fantastic annual occasion that sees cyclists of all ages & abilities come together to raise money for worthy causes
It's a 30 mile leisurely ride through beautiful North Yorkshire countryside and picturesque villages - please note that it is not a race and everyone is welcome to take part!
Nitelight Charity (click) has been chosen for the charity for 2025
Just giving site to be setup
I am happy to sponsor this ride through Strada Cars. It means the event is able to continue supporting such worthy causes.
I am also delighted to say that, once again, Stokesley parish councillors have agreed to
allow us the use of the Town Hall and car parking area known as The Plain. Use of The Plain
was granted by kind permission of the Manorial Lands Trust.
The ride takes place on Sunday 11th May, 2025, starting at 10am from Stokesley Town Hall on the High Street.
The circular route will take you through some quiet country roads and picturesque villages,
as well tackling the infamous and “much-loved” Clay Bank!
There will be basic mechanical support, a back-up vehicle and first aid facilities to help you if necessary.
Refreshments such as bananas, chocolate bars and bottles of water will also be available.
The entry fee for the ride is £10 in advance or £12 on the day. It is free for under-16s. All proceeds
go directly to The Teesside Charity, so it would be great if you could raise as much sponsorship as you can.
The closing date for postal entries is Saturday 3rd May, 2025.
In order for me to post out your rider number(s), please send a stamped addressed envelope big enough to take an A4 sheet to:
Nick Leech
, Strada Cars Limited, 2, Guiseley Way, Eaglescliffe, Stockton-on-Tees
, TS16 0RF
All entry forms and cheques (made payable to The Teesside Charity) should also be sent to the above address.
Entrance Fees can also be paid by bank transfer: Acc Name Stockton Wheelers Cycling; Sort code: 05 09 34; Acc no 14903104; Ref SCBR
How you can get in touch
You can also download the ride information pack, as well as more entry and sponsorship forms, below
You can also contact me via telephone on 07951 015035 (mobile). Alternatively, email ku.oc.oohay|hceel_kcin#ku.oc.oohay|hceel_kcin
Thank you so much for your support for the ride and I hope to see you on the big day!
Best wishes,
Nick Leech
Registration / Check-in 9.00 - 9.45. Ride starts 10.00am. The Route is shown on the "Route" tab and is detailed on the Entry form.
Stokesley Charity Ride in 3-D in 3 minutes Youtube
2024 Cycle Ride Youtube
2023 Cycle Ride Youtube
2022 Cycle Ride Youtube
2019 Cycle Ride Youtube
2018 Cycle Ride Youtube
2017 Cycle Ride Youtube
2016 Cycle Ride Youtube
2015 Cycle Ride Youtube
2014 Cycle Ride Youtube
2013 Cycle Ride Youtube
2012 Cycle Ride Youtube
2011 Cycle Ride Youtube
2010 Cycle Ride Youtube
2009 Cycle Ride Youtube
2008 Cycle Ride Youtube
2007 Cycle Ride Youtube
10 Years Cycle Ride Youtube
Paul Mackintosh tribute Youtube
Stokesley Charity Ride in 30 minutes Youtube
Webmaster Mike Newton
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